PharmaDeathClock – Like Lambs to the Slaughter

There is a great new website that my friend, Mike Adams has just launched called, Pharma Death Clock. The dichotomy about the site is that the information contained within the website makes the website great, but it’s also that same information that makes the website terrible. Allow me to explain…

The Numbers Don’t Lie

As you peruse the information on, one can quickly realize that the pharmaceutical industry is very effective at one thing for sure, and that’s killing people. The website features numerous ongoing clocks; which unapologetically tally the number of souls distinguished, in one way or another, as a result of actions by Big Pharma. The tagline is brilliant: While drug companies profit billions, people are dying by the millions. As I said, great and terrible information.

In Bed with Big Pharma

As the number of deaths continue to increase, so do the amount of commercial advertisements for pharmaceuticals; not to mention the steady increase in the cost to fill one’s prescription. Everything seems to be getting larger for Big Pharma, while our population numbers keep getting smaller. As the title of this article states, we are being led like lambs to the slaughter. The typical mainstream advertising venues get billions of dollars, collectively, from Big Pharma print and commercial advertisements (so much so that their objectivity needs to be called into question, in my opinion), however that may be changing.

A Dagger in the Heart?

Natural News recently re-posted an article with the following headline:

AMA calls for ban on drug ads as skyrocketing medical costs push Americans to seek alternative treatments

The AMA is an extremely large, well-funded and influential organization; and if they get their way, the ramifications for Big Pharma could be devastating. If Big Pharma loses their decisive advantage over the population via the way of consumer advertisement, perhaps we would find ourselves living in a world of more transparency; a world where the crimes of those involved would be laid bare for all to see. In the meantime, all we can do is expose the lies and report the truth; while doing our best to prevent our fellow man from becoming a number on the Pharma Death Clock

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