11/11/2019 / By Ethan Huff
Those in charge of Great Britain’s government-run health care system have decided that Brits who are deemed as “racists” or “sexists” will no longer be allowed to receive care, and will instead be left to die.
The North Bristol National Health Service (NHS) Trust has announced that “threatening and offensive language,” as well as “racist or sexist language, gestures, or behaviour” and “malicious allegations,” are now all punishable offenses that will result in a “sports-style disciplinary yellow card and then final red card in which treatment would be withdrawn as soon as is safe.”
“We have staff from many different backgrounds, from all over the world, and we pride ourselves on our commitment to equality which is a fundamental value of the NHS,” said Andrea Young, Chief Executive for North Bristol NHS Trust, in an official statement about the new policy.
“We’re sending a strong signal that any racism or discrimination is completely unacceptable – we want staff to challenge and report it and we want everyone to know that it will have consequences,” she added.
Who gets to decide what constitutes “racism” and “sexism,” you’re probably asking yourself? Leftists like Young, of course. Because the keys to health are held exclusively by the government of the United Kingdom, it can now use the threat of letting patients die as a means to squelch free speech and control people, which is exactly the point.
For more related news about how giving the government control of everything, including health care, means sacrificing all of your freedoms, be sure to check out Fascism.news.
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This draconian change comes after a female NHS patient complained that, despite having requested a female nurse to carry out her cervical smear, the hospital sent a person with “an obviously male appearance” and “close-cropped hair, a male facial appearance and voice, large number of tattoos and facial stubble” to do it instead.
As it turns out, the male-looking hospital staff member was, in fact, a biological man who insists that his gender is “not male,” but rather “transsexual.” And not surprisingly, the female patient was accused of “transphobia” for not wanting to have a biological man with gender dysphoria touching her private parts.
The UK government has also abducted children from their parents for violating the politically correct expectation that all Brits welcome their foreign “refugee” invaders with open arms. For not accepting “multiculturalism” with a smile, in other words, British families are being torn apart by their government overlords.
The icing on the cake is the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust’s decision to remove the British flag from the vests of its security staff after one person, presumably from another country, complained that it was “offensive.”
A similar wave of fascism is sweeping the United States as well, where it’s now becoming a crime to have white skin. If you’re white, and especially if you’re a white male, you no longer have any free speech rights because anything you say or do is automatically “racist” and “sexist,” according to leftists.
“This is even worse than China’s social credit score, which to my knowledge doesn’t yet punish people by withdrawing medical treatment if they engage in wrongthink,” writes Paul Joseph Watson.
“First it was deplatforming people from social media websites, then it was deplatforming people from bank accounts and mortgages. Now it’s deplatforming people from hospital treatment,” he adds. “Literally eliminating people’s right to basic health care because of their political or social opinions … This is where we’re at, and this is why the UK is truly the capital of Clown World Order.”
Read MedicalFascism.news for more reporting on how the medical establishment is transformation into a fascist, tyrannical regime.
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Tagged Under: brainwashing, fascism, Hate speech, health care, health freedom, insane, intolerance, Liberal Mob, mind control, National Health Service, obedience, obey, police state, politically correct, racists, sexists, social score, speech police, thought control, thought police, Tyranny, UK, United Kingdom