Vigilant Taiwan Citizens Stand in Line for 12 Hours to Buy One Box of Masks as Coronavirus Pandemic Infections Surpass 7,500 in Mainland China

Amid the exploding coronavirus pandemic that has now surpassed 7,200 infections in China, with 170 deaths according to official numbers, citizens of Taiwan are working diligently to protect themselves from the infectious disease.

Face masks have sold out all across the island nation, even as the Taiwan government has declared that no masks manufactured in Taiwan may be exported, so that they can be directed to Taiwan citizens. Among Asian nations, Taiwan is arguably the most vigilant, taking very wise and rapid steps to protect its citizens from the pandemic that’s primarily spreading in mainland China. Taiwan learned some very important lessons from dealing with SARS over a decade ago, and the Taiwan government has applied those lessons for rapid response strategies that are helping protect its citizens today.

The concern over coronavirus, however, has create a spike in demand for masks across Taiwan, where many people who are intending to travel to China are trying to purchase masks in Taiwan, where they are far more affordable due to extreme scarcity of the masks in China.

Yesterday, hundreds of Taiwan citizens stood in line for 12.5 hours just to buy a single box of face masks. (See video below.)

“The Central Epidemic Outbreak Command Center announced yesterday that 6 million masks were released daily to major convenience stores for 3 consecutive days. One person can only purchase 3 masks,” reports Liberty Times Net in Taiwan:

Mr. Zhuang, who grabbed the head [of the line], said that he learned from the news last night that Changhua had the first family cluster infection in Taiwan… There are 4 production lines in operation, which can produce about 100,000 pieces.


The story further says that “People do not need to panic” since production lines are being opened to supply more than enough masks to meet demand in Taiwan.

Here’s a current map of the pandemic in Asia, mostly affecting mainland China:

Nowhere in the global media is anyone covering the concerning fact that simple face masks offer virtually no protection against coronavirus infections, since the masks don’t create a facial seal and don’t protect the eyes. It is already well documented that coronavirus can spread through the air and infect exposed eyes. It can also spread through casual contact. This is why Taiwan is also unveiling sophisticated electronic tracking of visitors who have returned from the Wuhan region in China (see details in an upcoming story on

As another consideration, if simple face masks actually protected users by collecting the coronavirus on the mask itself, most users around the world would infect themselves anyway, as they touch the mask to remove it. Almost no one in the general population — in any country — is trained on the proper method to remove contaminated masks without infecting yourself with the viral strain. Typically, only microbiology researchers or biological weapons military personnel have such training. Normal civilians will inevitably touch their own nose, mouth or eyes after touching a contaminated mask, thereby contaminating themselves.

Almost no one is wearing masks yet in the United States of America, underscoring how the USA is far behind Taiwan when it comes to public awareness about the potential severity of this outbreak. While Taiwan citizens are vigilant, most American citizens are oblivious.

Watch the video here:

N95 masks, storable food, colloidal silver and other emergency supplies are also selling out across America. Nearly all emergency storable food companies in America are already sold out, and even is now completely sold out of both N95 masks and full face respirators.

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