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CRISIS FACTORY: New York to declare state of emergency due to staffing shortages caused by government’s covid vaccine mandates

Kathy Hochul, the Democrat replacement for sexual predator Andrew Cuomo, is threatening to declare a state of emergency for New York in response to a government-induced shortage of health care workers.

So many medical employees across the Empire State have either quit or been fired for refusing Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” that there are no longer enough doctors and nurses available to care for patients.

“I am monitoring the staffing situation closely, and we have a plan to increase our health care workforce and help alleviate the burdens on our hospitals and other health care facilities,” Hochul said in a statement.

If declared, a state of emergency would allow New York to basically import “fully vaccinated” health care workers from other states, or even other countries, to fill the gap.

It would also allow National Guard personnel and people who recently graduated medical school – meaning rookies – to assume professional roles at hospitals and medical centers.

Hochul says she does not want to go this route, but she is also unwilling to remove the Chinese Virus injection mandate. This means that Hochul’s fascism is responsible for the shortage.

“We are still in a battle against covid to protect our loved ones, and we need to fight with every tool at our disposal,” she said.

“I am monitoring the staffing situation closely, and we have a plan to increase our health care workforce and help alleviate the burdens on our hospitals and other health care facilities. I commend all of the health care workers who have stepped up to get themselves vaccinated, and I urge all remaining health care workers who are unvaccinated to do so now so they can continue providing care.”

Saving lives, one lost health care worker at a time

The situation would not be this dire had New York not also eliminated all religious exemptions, leaving medical personnel with only the medical exemption option.

Since medical exemptions can be difficult to come by, depending on the doctor and the state in which that doctor practices, many health care workers in New York who prefer to keep their DNA intact have no choice but to quit or get fired.

Nursing homes in New York are also now at risk of no longer being staffed, thanks to the state’s fascist policies.

The September 27 deadline for health care workers to receive their first shot has now come and gone. Those that cannot present proof will no longer be allowed to work.

A federal judge did grant a temporary restraining order allowing health care workers to claim a religious exemption, at least for now. Reports warn, however, that it might not last.

Meanwhile, hospitals across New York are being overrun with vaccine-damaged patients who are occupying hospital beds, leaving no room for people with other emergencies or urgent care situations, like pregnancies.

“Seems like she’s as competent as DeBlasio and Biden,” joked one commenter at National File. “This is round one if you are in a New York hospital and your untrained nurse ends up being a Haitian or an Afghan refugee.”

“Hey, I have a good idea: Why don’t you just get rid of your stupid ‘vaccine’ mandate?” asked another. “It isn’t backed up by science anyway.”

Another pointed out that covid, “if it exists,” is really “nothing special.” Because of this fact, you don’t take a “special vaccine” for it – or at least a person should not have to in order to get a job and keep that job.

The latest news stories about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” fascism can be found at

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