12/24/2021 / By Kevin Hughes
Film producer and director Lori Gregory accused big pharmaceutical companies of making tons of money on huge patient populations.
“I saw the profit over people model a long time ago. And it was scary. There’s a problem when the government has to force an industry to create something known as an orphan drug program. Because the drug makers are only making drugs that have huge patient populations, because that’s where the money is,” Gregory said during the ReAwaken America Tour in Dallas, Texas.
Gregory, who started her career in media, lamented the passage of Senate Bill 277 in 2015 that required parents to put 22 pharmaceutical products into their five-year-old children or be denied admission in California schools – both public and private. (Related: Hard data proves Big Pharma knew COVID vaccines would worsen and prolong the pandemic)
“When I saw SB 277 pass, I knew we were in big trouble,” said the former Wall Street investor relations consultant of biotech and pharmaceutical company clients. Gregory also took note of the fact that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 gave pharmaceutical corporations that make vaccines zero liability for their products.
“We need all hands on deck. We need you and we need all hands on deck. Because when I saw what I saw in 2015, I knew we were in deep trouble. Because by the time the policy hits the table, by the time the policies are introduced in the legislature, it’s too late. There are too many stakeholders, too many people invested in that bill becoming a law. So we have to educate our lawmakers before the policies are introduced.”
Parents were no longer able to exempt their children from being vaccinated in order to attend school after then-California Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 277 on June 30, 2015. The law removed the personal belief exemption that permitted parents in California to refuse vaccinating their children.
“The science is clear that vaccines dramatically protect children against a number of infectious and dangerous diseases,” Brown said in a statement at the time. “While it’s true that no medical intervention is without risk, the evidence shows that immunization powerfully benefits and protects the community.”
California along with Mississippi and West Virginia has now imposed the strictest school vaccine law in America. The said legislation applies to students attending both public and private school in the state and parents who choose against vaccination for nonmedical reasons need to home school their children.
The law took effect in July 2016.
Gregory also called on Americans to know and find out about their lawmakers and state. She took a shot at the pharmaceutical companies who got a business model that allows them to make a “junk jab” that gets injected into the bloodstream of a 12-hour old baby and have zero liability for their product. Gregory also questioned the standard of care in America for 12-hour old infants to get a hepatitis B vaccine that contains aluminum.
The film producer and director pointed out that we already have an entire globe being held hostage by fake news and fake science. Gregory believes that we can get the truth out through film.
“Film is the only way to get through this. Because guess what? While all of this COVID crazy is going on, we are already at war. And we’ve been at war since 1986. So welcome to the battlefield,” said Gregory, producer of Chakra Films’ first release titled “1986: The Act.”
An emerging film media company, 7th Chakra Films is dedicated to truth in science, health and whistleblower stories. Its film “1986: The Act” is about a husband and his newly pregnant wife, who dug deep into the true reasons why vaccine makers have no liability and what they found would eventually shock and rock their world.
Watch the full video of Lori Gregory during the ReAwaken America Tour below.
This video is from the Thrivetime Show channel on Brighteon.com.
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Tagged Under: 1986: The Act, 7th Chakra Films, Big Pharma, California, COVID, exploitation, Gov. Jerry Brown, Lori Gregory, NCVIA 1986, pharma profits, pharmaceutical products, Prescription drugs, profits, Reawaken America Tour, Senate Bill 277, Wall Street, Whistleblower