Life expectancy studies expose vaccination as among greatest EVILS in human history

For the second consecutive year in a row, life expectancy for both men and women in the United States has dropped, reaching just 76 years old. And vaccines are largely to blame.

The news is slightly better for women in America, who now live on average until the age of 79. Men, on the other hand, are now expected to live only until about age 73, this being the widest gap between men and women since 1997.

While it is nothing new for women, on average, to live longer than men, the fact that both sexes are not even expected to reach age 80 anymore in the U.S. is noteworthy considering the life expectancy of the elderly in other countries.

In Japan, for instance, many elderly people live well into their 80s, which is apparently also the case in the United Kingdom. So what is the deal with the United States?

According to Mark Crispin Miller, Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” is playing a huge role in decreasing life expectancy all over the world, and particularly in the United States.

Recent studies point to other factors including the opioid epidemic, mental health issues and chronic metabolic disease as also being at the forefront of America’s decreasing life expectancy rates.

(Related: Pfizer has known for a long, long time that its COVID injections are killing people, but there is a lot of money to be made and genocide to be had.)

Global vaccine holocaust in motion

Vaccines in general have been wearing down human genetics for some time now, with COVID jabs being the straw that broke the camel’s back for many elderly folks.


It is a global vaccine holocaust that started decades ago and is reaching a crescendo as Big Pharma launches into the mRNA sector of genetic reprogramming. The COVID jabs from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna were the inaugural injections, and many more are soon to follow.

Also noteworthy in America’s dwindling life expectancy averages is the highly corrupt Western medical system, which centers around symptom management with pharmaceuticals and vaccines rather than prevention, which is how other countries with higher life expectancy rates do it.

“We have a healthcare system that is very advanced in treating illnesses and advanced disease,” says Dr. Brandon Yan, MD, the author of a new study about the subject. “But for the most part … it is not very good when it comes to preventative care.”

Black Americans are even worse off, on average, when it comes to life expectancy. The average black person, male or female, lives only until just over age 70. For black men, the average is even lower at just 61.

“We know that the disparity at baseline between men and women is much higher for black Americans than it is for white Americans, for instance. And the interplay between gender and race is an important area for further study.”

All over the world, from the United Kingdom to Europe to Asia and beyond, data continues to flow showing that life expectancy rates have really taken a nosedive ever since the launch of Operation Warp Speed.

Chronic illnesses are also off the charts since the launch of the jabs as blood disorders, ear diseases, urinary and prostate problems, and “turbo” cancers spread like wildfire. Was it really worth it for an alleged “virus” with basically a 0.00 percent death rate?

“This is a spiritual battle,” one commenter wrote about the horrors that are now being witnessed due to the mass jabbing operation. “It’s a battle for the future of humanity.”

What will happen to all the people who got jabbed for COVID? Find out more at

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