Canadian healthcare workers who challenged unlawful vaccine mandate WIN arbitration case against hospital that wrongfully terminated them

A growing number of healthcare workers who were wrongfully terminated by their former employers are taking legal action and WINNING against unlawful vaccine mandates. These workers, who were discriminated against for refusing to comply with mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies, point out the obvious — that the vaccine mandates violated their legal rights and led to unjust discrimination and job loss.

A total of 82 healthcare workers formerly employed with the William Osler Health System (WOHS) in Canada were recently vindicated by a Canadian arbitrator, who ruled that the nation’s leading hospitals must compensate the healthcare workers for wrongful termination.

Canadian arbitrator claims vaccine mandate was “reasonable” but vindicates those who were terminated by the mandate

Toronto arbitrator John Stout made the ruling on August 12, vindicating forty healthcare workers who were fired for not getting the COVID shots and relieving another forty-two healthcare workers who were wrongfully suspended. They were represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

“The ESA (Employment Standards Act) provides that unless an employee’s actions amount to ‘willful misconduct, disobedience or willful neglect of duty that is not trivial,’ they will be entitled to termination and severance pay,” Stout ruled.

Like nearly every healthcare system in the Western Hemisphere, WOHS implemented an unlawful vaccine mandate for all healthcare workers, subduing all individuals’ body autonomy rights and intimidating them to get injected with two worthless, high-risk COVID shots as a condition for employment.

The ruling by Stout was paradoxical. Bound to vaccine propaganda and the dictates of the government, Stout and the other arbiters agreed that “a requirement to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in a healthcare setting is reasonable” and that “the grievors in this matter were terminated for just cause.”

However, Stout ultimately sided with the “grievors,” ruling that “The employees chose not to be vaccinated and as a result they were not reasonably available to attend at work, which at a minimum severely and negatively impacted the employment relationship.”

“That being said, the individual grievors were misguided and their conduct was not with any malicious intent,” he wrote.

Stout ultimately ruled: “I find that the individual grievors who were terminated from their employment by the Hospital are entitled to termination and severance pursuant to the ESA.”

Healthcare professionals must fight for their lives in a system dominated by vaccine lies and totalitarianism

The Canadian government, under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Doug Ford, enacted tyrannical vaccine mandates that were opposed in the face of discrimination, segregation and death threats.

In recent months, several high-profile cases have emerged highlighting the struggles faced by healthcare professionals who opposed these “vaccine” mandates on grounds of medical, religious or personal reasons. These mandates, issued during the imposition of pandemic propaganda, lacked proper legal and ethical considerations, while violating human rights. According to legal experts, such terminations may contravene federal and state laws designed to protect individuals from discrimination based on medical or religious exemptions. It’s terrifying enough to think that free individuals must seek legal exemptions for something they don’t need, that was created to exploit populations.

The discrimination and segregation of these smart health care workers has sparked widespread debate about the totalitarian nature of public health measures and the destruction of individual rights. The forced termination of healthcare professionals during an alleged pandemic, exposed the pandemic as a mass psychosis of fraudulent pandemic marketing and bio-terror propaganda. If the government and the hospital systems were willing to eradicate a large portion of the healthcare sector, then public health authorities weren’t genuinely concerned about staffing over-crowded hospitals and responding to a “pandemic.”

By wrongfully terminating nurses and doctors over a fraudulent vaccine, the entire healthcare system is undermined and short staffed, causing further problems in the medical system. That’s exactly what happened across the world, as healthy, unvaccinated individuals were purged from the healthcare sector. Healthcare professionals have learned that they must fight for their lives in a system dominated by vaccine lies and totalitarianism.

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