One of the most frustrating things about life in 2016 is the ridiculous fact that cannabis still isn’t legalized across the …
Long demonized by mainstream media and the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry, the actual medicinal value of marijuana is finally beginning …
Despite what the Big Pharma peddlers want you to believe, cannabis is not a destructive drug that ruins the lives …
Corruption. Bribery. Death. All three are examined in various news reports on a little known “specialty pharmaceutical company” called Insys Theraputics. They are currently under legal …
When you take a look at the federal government organizations that should be eradicated completely, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) …
Lies regarding cannabis are nothing new, having been lurking around American society for nearly a century now, but that doesn’t make …
For natural health advocates in America, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is often seen as an enemy of the …
A major lawsuit against drug manufacturer Indivior alleges that the company has violated antitrust laws by trying to extend their …
Political biases are not hard to find in 2016. Thanks to the rise of the internet and social media, knowing …
For years advocates of legalizing marijuana for recreational use have emphatically stated that there is no evidence that suggests that …
The first thing to understand is “what is a microbe and why is it dangerous?” Microbes are microorganisms such as …
Earlier this year, 56 people were hospitalized over the course of two months and 15 died, thanks to what was …
At this point, it is almost laughable how the DEA continues to insist that marijuana is so dangerous that it needs …
In recent years, Colorado has flown far ahead of most other states in the freedom department. Thanks to their acceptance …