President Donald J. Trump looks set to keep an earlier promise to declare the current opioid epidemic a national emergency, …
A state senator in Maryland is now calling for lethal injection to be reinstated in the state for certain crimes, …
Although one-third of older Americans take prescription sleep medication, the majority don’t discuss their sleep problems with their healthcare providers. …
As the country and lawmakers in Washington continue to debate the merits (and legality) of marijuana, the state of Colorado …
A study conducted by behavioral neuroscience experts at the University of Guelph in Canada has shown that excessive sugar intake may render …
What if everything you thought you knew turned out to be wrong? Books and movies have posed this dramatic question …
While many people are aware that type 2 diabetes is a primary health concern here in the United States, it …
Many of the nation’s top lawmakers appear to be pharmaceutical drug addicts who rely on a steady stream of pharma …
Medical marijuana users in Illinois report that their use of the substance to relieve pain has lessened or stopped their …
A new lawsuit that accuses a pharmaceutical company of conduct that is “nothing short of evil” echoes the sentiment of …
The man behind the recent Las Vegas massacre has something in common with the perpetrators of many other mass shootings …
What many are now referring to as the “opioid crisis” represents one of the worst epidemics of our time, claiming …
A study found that the Mediterranean diet is a more effective treatment for acid reflux than prescribed medicines, Daily Mail …
The opioid epidemic in America is killing more people than guns and the blame rests squarely on Big Pharma. Until 2007, …