Acetaminophen, the primary ingredient in Tylenol, is the most widely used pain medication in the United States. No drug is …
The family of a 10-year-old boy permanently injured by a vaccine can sleep a little more peacefully at night after …
I know people who suffer with severe unrelenting pain. People for whom the only relief is an opiate medication. But …
A pharmaceutical technician recently admitted that the pharma industry does not expend resources developing drugs it knows will be unprofitable, …
Medicinal cannabis is used to treat a myriad of health problems. Unfortunately, in Colorado, marijuana is not allowed to be …
Dr. Michael Murray discusses one of the most popular classes of prescription drugs. He says the close to 80 to …
Urban myths in South America are replete with stories about the horrors of a potent drug that could allegedly sap a …
Turmeric is one of the most researched organic substances in the world because of its remarkable natural healing properties. The …
Let me tell you an interesting (and disturbing) statistic: When worse comes to worst, three in four physicians would readily …
Not only are cancer drugs expensive – they’re wasted. That is at least the conclusion of a provocative new study …
Researchers have just determined that flavonoids extracted from common onions slow the rate of colon cancer growth in mice just …
Following the publication of the Annals of Internal Medicine’s editorial undermining the benefits of multivitamins, mainstream media outlets immediately jumped at the …
Globulin component macrophage activating factor (GcMAF), a breakthrough cancer treatment now gaining worldwide attention, has been pointed at as the …
Statins, a class of drugs prescribed to over 100 million all over the world, have now been exposed as cellular …