How a piece of cardboard helped save this baby’s life
A toy-like cardboard device that sells for less than $20 helped saved a baby’s life, who was so sick that doctors advised her parents to take her home to die. The contraption, Google [...]
A toy-like cardboard device that sells for less than $20 helped saved a baby’s life, who was so sick that doctors advised her parents to take her home to die. The contraption, Google [...]
There are about 100 trillion microorganisms living in your intestines. These little guys are associated with many aspects of physical health, but new research has indicated that these micro [...]
From a libertarian point of view, there’s no reason that the government should be regulating plants in the first place. From a health perspective, the fact that marijuana still isn [...]
In California, a father recently brought his young daughter to visit the practice of Matthew T. Cohan, MD, for a respiratory infection. Filling out forms is always expected at the doctor [...]
To the surprise of many, researchers from Washington state have discovered that chemotherapy may not be the paragon of cancer treatment after all. While it has been an industry standard for [...]
The latest in a growing line of deadly, antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections is set to invade the United States, as health planners scramble to figure out a way to battle it. Officials [...]
The largest study conducted on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) found participants who received the treatment and reduced or quit taking antidepressants were less likely to relaps [...]
Undergoing chemotherapy is a devastating experience, mentally, emotionally and physically, and takes an immeasurable toll on the body. After all, chemotherapy is essentially poison. The tox [...]
Antibiotics are often seen as the cure-all of modern medicine. It is true that antibiotics have been used with great success over the last 80 years or so, but they are not without consequen [...]
It’s called pay to play, and it’s a common theme throughout corrupt regimes. There are many variations. A small example could include a single standing mom and pop corner grocer [...]