What sort of world are we living in when children below the age of six are being given antidepressants? A …
Depression is on the rise, and there is no shortage of advice out there for the 15 million American adults …
The use of antidepressants during pregnancy is controversial at best. In the past, studies have indicated that using these kinds …
Nursing homes may be over-medicating dementia patients with antipsychotic drugs despite mounting evidence of early death and minimal efficacy, according …
Taking antidepressants before and during pregnancy may raise the odds of autism spectrum disorder in children, a recent review showed. The …
When you read the side effects on a package of antidepressants – or any medication, for that matter – it’s …
A 47-year-old hedge manager who killed himself by leaping from his ninth-floor luxury apartment in the historic Apthorp Building was …
Evidence continues to pile up about the serious risks of taking antidepressants, and a new study provides additional proof that …
Is a legal drug epidemic plaguing our nation? According to a new study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, …
Virtually everyone gets bummed out or down in the dumps from time to time, or maybe even for long periods …