Medicine News

China BANS coronavirus testing to achieve near-zero infection rate, medicine goes “political” to protect communist regime

You may not have heard, but there’s now a second wave of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) sweeping China, and the communist regime is actually prohibiting further testing in order to perpetuate the illusion that there are no more people being infected with it.

In a video shared to Twitter, a doctor from the Hanyang District of Wuhan, the epicenter of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), explains how one individual recently tried to take his mother to the Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital for a blood test, only to be told the very next day that the blood test had been suspended.

Initially, specialists from the central government said that this blood test represents the seventh version of diagnosis and that it is actually more effective and accurate than another type of test that costs more. But it was suspended anyway.

As it turns out, no such blood tests are being performed on anyone at the Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital, nor at the nearby People’s Hospital. And the doctor in the video believes that similar policies are in place elsewhere throughout China, presumably to try to save face.

“This is not a medical problem,” he says. “This is called a political diagnosis and a political cure. Not related to medicine at all.”

According to this doctor, many Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients are being discharged from hospitals as “cleared” of the virus without getting this important blood test. This allows communist China to claim that the virus has been “eradicated,” when in fact many of these people likely still have it.


Everyone should get tested for coronavirus, doctor says

We already know this to be the case from earlier reports indicating that many “recovered” patients are testing positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) a second time, despite having been “cleared” as virus-free.

The doctor in this video says that every single person should be getting tested, including people who aren’t former patients. Since the test only takes about 15 minutes to perform and isn’t all that expensive, it would be simple enough to test everybody just to be sure.

But will this actually happen? Much like the failure to test that’s taking place in the United States, probably not, even though people are doling out their own hard-earned cash to try to make it happen.

“They don’t let anyone in this city do the blood test,” this doctor laments. “It’s a problem of politics, can’t you call it a political problem?”

The China Daily News, responding to this video post on Twitter, stated that the communist Chinese regime relaxed its control far too early “because of economic and political pressure, in hope of keeping the economy from completely collapsing.”

“Now there is a rebound in cases,” the outlets added. “They are trying to blame that on ‘imported’ cases.”

Another poster suggests that the time is now to punish China for hiding its first case of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) on November 17, and only deciding to act months later during the third week of January, “meanwhile infecting the whole world,” this poster wrote.

“[Four-fifths of the pandemic] originated in China. They ruined family, job, economy, hope, future” this same account added, noting that whistleblowers have been getting arrested and even killed for trying to spill the beans about what’s really going on over there.

To keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out

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