More than 300 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members SUE military for $500 million over covid jab mandates

Somewhere around 330 active and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who claim to have been injured by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are suing high-ranking members of the Canadian military for forcing the deadly shots on them.

The plaintiffs are asking for $500 million in damages as part of a class-action suit against the higher-ups in the CAF who conspired with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to tyrannize members of the Canadian military with injection mandates.

Named as defendants in the suit are Chief of the Defence Staff General Wayne Eyre, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Lieutenant-General Frances Allen, Minister of National Defence Anita Anand, former deputy minister of national defence Jody Thomas, and various others.

“The CAF shirked its own purpose and rushed an untested product onto its members, mislabeled this experimental gene therapy a ‘vaccine,’ knowingly made false statements of safety and efficacy, and facilitated its mandate with no option to refuse except for mandatory permanent removal from service,” reads a statement of claim filed with the Federal Court on June 21.

“The actions of the CAF and CDS [Chief of the Defence Staff] has resulted in injury to the Plaintiffs, who have consistently worked to prevent this abuse of power from occurring and to protect the members and their families who are experiencing coercion, discrimination, and threat of loss of career and benefits in all instances.”

(Related: A massive lawsuit was recently filed against the Biden regime as well for covid jab injuries and deaths.)


Every entity, government or otherwise, that forced people to get covid jabbed against their will is guilty of crimes against humanity

In the fall of 2021 at the height of the covid “pandemic,” the CAF imposed a covid jab mandate on all members, resulting in a mass exodus of hundreds of members who refused to roll up their sleeves. These individuals left either through voluntary release or expulsion under code 5(f), “unsuitable for further service,” a dishonourable discharge reserved for soldiers with “personal weaknesses,” or other issues that the CAF determined to constitute an “excessive burden.”

In October 2022, the CAF lessened the jab mandate ever-so-slightly by removing covid injections from the list of shots that all members must receive as a condition of service – but it was already too late as many had already been forced to take covid shots against their will.

Other terms of the lawsuit include allegations that the CAF failed to ensure officers were fully and correctly briefed about all legal and policy issues related to the jab mandates, as well as allegations that the CAF deliberately misused the grievance system to indefinitely delay or stop the relief sought by opposing members.

Instead of focusing on what was best for its members, the CAF instead focused on “political agendas and taking direction from political leaders that is detrimental to operational readiness and effectiveness” with its implementation of covid jab mandates, the lawsuit states.

“It said the CAF gave the plaintiffs no way to meet the mandate by writing the directives in a way that blocked any possible means of complying with them,” further reported one media outlet about the suit.

Further, instead of following the legal process under the National Defence Act that allows members to have their cases heard in independent hearings, the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) used administrative measures to punish CAF members who refused or otherwise could not comply with the jab mandate.

As increasingly more people become sick or die because they got jabbed for covid, the number of lawsuits will only continue to mounts. Learn more at

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