Dr. Jane Ruby: Americans are still in DANGER from the mRNA shots

Dr. Jane Ruby has warned that American people are still in danger from the deadly mRNA materials.

“I want to make you aware of the fact that we are not out of the woods [yet], or out of danger when it comes to shots being perpetrated on you,” she said. “The dangerous mRNA materials [are] being directed toward you in many different ways.”

According to Ruby, a medical economist and healthcare researcher, the mRNA shots aren’t being returned to the shelf. Instead, they will be injected into more Americans through the flu vaccines. She added that these mRNA shots will be aimed at two targeted populations – pregnant women and Native Americans.

The host of “Dr. Jane Ruby STAT” on Brighteon.TV noted that healthcare systems have previously taken billions from the federal government to conduct mass genocide in the form of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations. Now, these same healthcare systems are following their new marching orders – getting the new mRNA shot into pregnant women. (Related: Clinical trials for mRNA FLU SHOTS already underway.)

Given this, Ruby stressed that pregnant women are unmistakably under attack right now. According to her, mothers injected with the shot won’t get immunity – only DNA damage and billions of spike proteins that can affect a breastfeeding baby.

“There is a dedicated attack on pregnant women. Got to get that mRNA and you kill two birds with one stone. You damage the mother’s DNA, and you damage the baby’s DNA. Now we’ve got legacy and more generations of poisoning.”


Native Americans also targeted in DEPOPULATION scheme

Ruby also noted that healthcare systems in Native American communities are targeting the people they are supposed to serve.

“They want to make sure there’s equal access to death and destruction because that is the program. And what better way than you are doing, targeting sub-populations for some reasons,” she pointed out.

“Why not hit the Native American communities? Because who is going to be more defensive and protective of these lands of this nation? The tribal nations who are indigenous.”

She recounted members of Native American communities confronting healthcare officials for pushing vaccines to babies. In one instance, a member of the Cherokee Nation confronted the administrator of their healthcare system over this exact issues.

Many of these tribal nations have separated themselves and refused the poison injections, which play a role in the plan to kill the Native American genome. Ruby cited a report stating that almost almost 50,000 people in the Native American community did not receive any of the vaccines, including the COVID-19 shots.

The Brighteon.TV host said the Native American tribes never had any flu, smallpox or any diseases the traditional vaccines were supposed to prevent. She added: “That’s why they want to punish these communities like the Amish and the tribal nations because they don’t want them to get the message out that they are healthier without these government poisons.”

Ruby ultimately advised the Native American community to be suspicious and hold back any attempt by healthcare systems to administer the mRNA vaccines.

“So, no flu shots of any kind, no childhood immunization scheduled shots of any kind. Be careful of any injections. Be wary.”

Watch the “Coffee Chat with Dr. Jane” clip where Dr. Jane Ruby expounds on the dangers of mRNA injections below.

This video is from the Dr. Jane Ruby channel on Brighteon.com.

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The danger of lying about mRNA vaccine failure.

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