Arizona bill that seeks to end ORGAN TRAFFICKING and HARVESTING zooms in on China

A bill filed in the state of Arizona, which seeks to end organ trafficking and forced organ harvesting, zooms in on China.

House Bill (HB) 2504, formally the Arizona End Organ Harvesting Act, passed the Arizona House of Representatives’ Health and Human Services Committee on Feb. 5. This puts it closer to a floor vote in the lower chamber, which is controlled by Republicans.

State House Majority Leader Leo Biasiucci, a Republican, expounded on the proposal at a news conference on the same day. According to him, HB 2504 would discourage Arizonans from “inadvertently” contributing to forced organ harvesting by engaging in “transplant tourism.” This is because the bill would restrict financial support for organ transplants from China and other foreign adversaries” such as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria and Venezuela. Hong Kong, a special administrative region under China, is also listed.

Biasiucci was the measure’s sponsor in the lower chamber.

According to the Epoch Times, the waiting time to receive an organ transplant in the U.S. is one to three years. However, a patient in China can receive a new kidney or liver within two or three weeks – and at a lower cost.

But this comes with a grim price, as Chinese authorities harvest these organs from living humans. Adherents of the Falun Gong belief system, Uyghurs, Tibetans and house Christians – those who secretly attend worship services of churches not sanctioned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – are the most common victims of this practice. (Related: Retired Chinese surgeon recounts being forced to HARVEST ORGANS from people who were STILL ALIVE.)

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“The CCP is relying on your fear of death to make money,” said Dr. Dana Churchill, board member of the Washington, D.C.-based Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH). “This is something that is seriously happening. We need to do something about it.”

Texas previously signed similar bill against ORGAN HARVESTING

Arizona joins Texas in its fight against what many consider “crimes against humanity” – forced organ harvesting and trafficking. Back in June 2023, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a bipartisan bill to combat the CCP’s forced human organ harvesting. According to an Epoch Times report at the time, the said bill made the Lone Star State the first to to counter the abuse through legal means.

Senate Bill (SB) 1040 was unanimously approved in both houses of the Texas Legislature in May 2023. The measure, which took effect on Sept. 1, banned health plans or insurance providers from financially covering organ transplants if the organs came from a country that engages in forced organ harvesting and trafficking or if the transplant procedure occurred in a country known to participate in said practices.

“This bill prevents Texans and Texas health plans from unknowingly becoming complicit in forced organ harvesting,” said GOP State Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, SB 1040’s lead author. “Because health plans are regulated at the State level, Texas holds a powerful tool to combat the hideous industrial-scale practice of forced organ harvesting, particularly of persecuted religious groups in China.”

GOP State Rep. Tom Oliverson, a primary sponsor of the bill, praised Abbott for allowing the Lone Star State to be “the first to take a strong stand against the immoral and detestable practice of forced organ donations in China.” He continued: “With this law, we send a strong message to Beijing that all human life is precious and worthy of protection.”

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Watch the following video about trafficking of human organs in Communist China.

This video is from the Anti-Disinformation channel on

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