COVID-19 vaccines risk shedding toxic particles to unvaccinated people, expert reveals

One of the earliest concerns about COVID-19 vaccines was the possibility of shedding, which authorities quickly dismissed and claimed was not possible based on how mRNA shots work. Although that concern has now been overshadowed by the many other negative effects of these jabs, it has now emerged that shedding can occur with the vaccines, putting people around those who have been recently vaccinated at risk.

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance Co-Founder Dr. Pierre Kory, who has treated more than 1,000 patients experiencing symptoms after vaccination and those with long COVID, claimed at a recent conference in Phoenix: “Shedding is unfortunately real. The FDA knows that.”

When it comes to the concept of vaccine shedding, the common understanding of it involves the release of bacteria, viruses and other components from live vaccines. Since mRNA and adenovirus vaccines are not considered live vaccines, it is technically true that they therefore cannot shed, which is something fact checkers have been quick to point out online.

However, these vaccines function in a similar manner to gene therapy products, all of which, by the FDA’s own admission, do have a risk of shedding.

In fact, the Epoch Times Marina Zhang points out that the FDA defined shedding in a 2015 document analyzing shedding studies as “the release of [viral or bacterial gene therapy products] … from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds).”

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Therefore, by the FDA’s definition of gene therapy products as those that “mediate their effects by transcription and/or translation of transferred genetic material,” the mRNA and adenovirus COVID-19 jabs are part of this category because they function by prompting the body to translate mRNA genetic information into spike proteins.

Other gene therapy products have demonstrated a shedding effect, such as the hemophilia treatment Roctavian and the eye treatment Luxturna.

According to Dr. Kory, both adenovirus and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can cause vaccinated individuals to release spike proteins and other vaccine components. Some studies show the spike protein from the jabs lasting for more than six months in the blood of those who have been vaccinated, which means spike proteins can persist. Researchers have also found COVID-19 mRNA in the breast milk of mothers who received the jab, potentially exposing their babies to the vaccine.

Moreover, Dr. Kory pointed to Pfizer documents that instructed investigators working on vaccine trials to report any environmental exposures that take place when participants expose people around them to the jab via skin contact or inhalation.

They also acknowledged the possibility of secondary shedding, when someone who was exposed to the vaccine via shedding goes on to expose another individual, such as when a woman who was exposed to a study participant’s vaccine shedding then exposing her baby via breastfeeding.

Pfizer’s own documentation has listed hundreds of adverse events related to indirect exposure, such as exposure during breastfeeding and pregnancy. These included adverse events related to the blood, liver, kidneys and respiration.

Numerous cases of patients experiencing symptoms after exposure to recently vaccinated individuals

Dr. Kory and other professionals have reported patients who experience symptoms that are consistent with shedding, such as people who become symptomatic every time they enter crowded spaces such as supermarkets or airports.

One case involved a man who had experienced symptoms of the vaccine in the past following vaccination and then experienced them again within hours of spending time in close contact with a friend shortly after they received a booster. His spouse also felt the symptoms after sexual contact with him; taking Ivermectin alleviated their symptoms.

There are more than 800 clinical case testimonials outlining significant spike protein shedding from vaccinated people, along with supporting scientific literature and regulatory documents. A deep dive into the evidence available on COVID-19 vaccine shedding can be found on the FLCCC Alliance’s website.

This is something that warrants further investigation as governments continue to pressure people into getting boosters. If these vaccines prove to be capable of significant shedding, countless people could be placed at risk.

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