Transgenderism a “scientifically baseless movement,” says endocrinologist

Everything the Endocrine Society is currently pushing with regards to “gender-affirming care,” especially for children, is completely unscientific, a prominent endocrinologist has warned.

In a recent piece he co-wrote for The Wall Street Journal, Dr. Roy Eappen criticized the Endocrine Society’s false claims about “transitioning” children with drugs and surgery, stating that the whole thing is a “scientifically baseless movement” pushing an ulterior agenda.

Shamefully, some of these false claims made by the Endocrine Society were used by a federal judge to block an Arkansas law that aimed to protect children from the pharmaceutical chemicals and destructive surgical procedures being pushed on them by the LGBT mob.

With the help of Ian Kingsbury of the medical advocacy group Do No Harm, Dr. Eappen did a phenomenal job at blowing holes in the Endocrine Society’s false, pro-trans claims, which are destroying countless children’s lives.

“… over the past decade transgender activists have co-opted the Endocrine Society and other professional organizations to promote such treatments for adolescents and even young children,” Dr. Eappen and Kingsbury warn.

“Their guidelines are based on flimsy evidence, giving the appearance that invasive and irreversible treatments are beneficial for young patients despite a growing body of evidence to the contrary. The guidelines have been used by lawmakers in states such as California and New York to endanger children – and now by judges to block state efforts at protecting youngsters.”


(Related: The more the trans mob is exposed as a fraud, the more its members are becoming unhinged.)

Many other Endocrine Society members agree that transgenderism is highly destructive pseudoscience

It turns out that Dr. Eappen and Kingsbury are not alone. Many other members of the Endocrine Society agree with them that the transgender craze is one of the most heinous things to ever come out of and be affirmed by Western medicine.

“We found that endocrinologists are aware of the society’s failings and rue its elevation of transgender activism over medical expertise and patient needs,” the duo wrote.

It was the year 2017, right after Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States, that the Endocrine Society first endorsed drugging children with gender-bender hormones, despite “little good research on this issue and … admit[ting] the guidelines were largely based on evidence of ‘low’ or ‘very low’ quality.”

“At this year’s meeting, we had frank and fruitful discussions with endocrinologists who provide hormonal treatments to kids with gender dysphoria, as well as some who don’t,” the pair further explains in the Journal piece.

“Without exception, they acknowledged that the society’s evidence base for pediatric gender transition is weak, at best. Yet while they’re aware of the guidelines’ shortcomings, they’re afraid to voice their concerns.”

It is implied by the Endocrine Society’s position on the matter that anyone who holds differing viewpoints on transgenderism, including members of the organization, is to be condemned.

“Medical professionals are being cowed into silence and coerced into providing treatments they know are dangerous to children,” they explained about how the LGBT-pushing medical mafia is ringleading this operation.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to challenge a finding of fact in court. This means the Endocrine Society and the endocrinologists who support its official position on transgenderism “are making themselves complicit in a scientifically baseless movement that inflicts serious harm on children’s physical and mental health.”

In response to the piece, Endocrine Society president Dr. Stephen Hammes tried to claim that more than 2,000 studies published since the year 1975 support the idea that mutilating children with drugs and surgery “improves the well-being of transgender and gender-diverse people and reduces the risk of suicide.”

Transgenderism is a mental illness. Learn more at

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