SCIENCE WARS: True science is the ENEMY of the Vaccine Industrial Complex and the Achilles Heel of the Climate Change Hoax

The science is settled. Nobody is allowed to talk about the “science” of vaccines, or discuss the science behind “global warming,” and never make the mistake of relying on science to speak about biological gender. Should anyone anywhere reveal that science, in all of its evidence-based research, proves that mRNA jabs are dangerous, that global warming is a farce, and that men who wear wigs and high heels cannot give birth, well, then that person is a hypocritical, far-right, racist, white-supremacist, domestic terrorist.

The “socialism” is settled, and it has NOTHING at all to do with science, otherwise, all the conspiracy theories would crumble to bits instantly. The science shows that vaccines are dangerous, and that the risk highly outweighs the benefits, if there even are any. The science shows the earth is actually in a slow cooling period lasting thousands of years. The science shows that cosmetic operations, hormone pills and breasts and genitalia-mutilation surgeries do not make a boy a girl, or a girl a boy, or a man a woman, or a woman a man. In those aspects, the science is settled, but don’t go arguing or debating “science” ever again, or the price you pay is censorship and social excommunication.

The “science is settled” means don’t talk about science when it comes to deadly vaccines, climate change hoaxes or gender-fluid role-playing (acting)

The science is never “settled,” or it’s not science at all. Nobody can say the Covid “vaccines” are safe and effective, because they can’t prove that with science, and there are no long term studies available because they’re just three years young. However, the short-term consequences are happening all around us, every day, as millions of people who got the biological weapons of mass-immune destruction injections (mRNA jabs) are suffering from vascular clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, spontaneous miscarriages, anxiety and depression, and that science is now “in.”

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The science is only “settled” when that science is a lie and is part of a eugenics agenda, like with the deadly mRNA vaccines, and the bankrupt-the-middle-class climate change Ponzi scheme. No Leftist can have a healthy debate or civilized discussion about their “platforms” and narratives because it all falls apart the second someone brings up real science. They can’t prove the world is getting hotter, or that there are more hurricanes or earthquakes than ever before. The sea level is not rising, and no beaches are disappearing. Men still can’t get their period or birth children. Women still can’t play linebacker in the NFL, or compete with men in the UFC, it’s just biologically not going to work out so well.

The Science Wars are underway, but there’s only news about one side being published in the mainstream media, and that is where ALL the misinformation and disinformation is rooted and festers, 24/7/365. The Science Wars of 2024 have never been more dangerous for the populace, who walk around mis-educated and brainwashed, like sheeple living on the battlefield without a shield. They walk into health disasters daily, while relying on disinformation from their doctors, nurses, the CDC and the FDA. They are losing every battle in the Science Wars, by default, and they simply cannot figure out why.

The people on prescription medications are the sickest people in the world, and they believe the fake science that the pharma cartel publishes for them to gobble up. Just listen to the side effects advertised on TV for any medication. You have to be brainwashed to accept this as “science.” Tune your internet dial to for updates on extreme liberals who hate science because it proves their fraud. Welcome to World War III, and it’s not about guns, bombs and missiles, it’s about BAD science, eugenics and depopulation. Wake up.

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