Even Catholic hospitals are mutilating children with “gender-affirming” transgender “care”

The largest Catholic health system in America has been quietly funding and performing transgender surgeries and other “gender-affirming” medical interventions in direct defiance of traditional Catholic teachings.

According to an investigative report from the Lepanto Institute, a Catholic research and education group, CommonSpirit Health, which operates more than 1,000 care sites and 140 hospitals in 21 states, is fully pro-LGBT in the sense that it funds and performs all sorts of transgender interventions including the prescription of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers to patients.

Author and Lepanto Institute founder and president Michael Hichborn put together the 64-page exposé, entitled “CommonSpirit and the Sex-Change Industry.” He reveals the connections between the Catholic health network in the United States and its direct ties to the Vatican.

A self-described lifelong Catholic, Hichborn says he is both “saddened” and “horrified” at the gross moral decline taking place within certain factions of the Catholic Church. His mission is “to make sure that Catholics are Catholics and that those who operate in the name of the Catholic Church do so in line with all of her teachings.”

(Related: The Biden regime is trying to turn Catholic and Christian doctors into murderers by forcing them perform abortions or else lose their medical license.)

Is the Vatican really okay with Catholic hospitals offering sex-change procedures to patients?

The types of medical interventions taking place at CommonSpirit health locations stand in “gross defiance” of the official values held by the Catholic Church, which traditional rejects homosexuality and transgenderism, as well as abortion and even contraceptives, all of which are being offered and promoted at dozens of CommonSpirit hospitals and medical facilities across the U.S.


“In addition to performing sex-change operations, CommonSpirit provides employee benefits that cover sex-change operations, transgender hormone treatments, and even puberty blockers for kids,” the report states.

A promotional video accompanying Hichborn’s report warns that the types of transgender procedures being offered and promoted throughout the CommonSpirit health care system have “seized the world by the throat” and are “choking the life out of the bedrock of civilization: the family.”

“And this is happening right under the nose of the Vatican,” it further warns – you can watch the video below:

While it remains unknown if any CommonSpirit Health locations have performed transgender procedures on children, the fact that puberty blockers are being offered and promoted at some locations does suggest that underage children are receiving “gender-affirming care” by the Catholic institution.

“The horrifying thing when you start getting into the science of the puberty blockers and the transitional hormones, is they do permanent damage to these kids,” Hichborn told The Epoch Times. “They talk about how puberty blockers just kind of put a pause on puberty or pubertal development, and that’s a lie.”

“It doesn’t put a pause on it; it actually damages these kids to the point that many of them wind up being sterile.”

Hichborn’s report reveals the chain of command that gives CommonSpirit Health its Catholic identity. The Catholic Health Care Federation gave it this designation, and above that is the Vatican’s Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in Rome.

“The only authority in the church that has the ability to judge the actions of CommonSpirit is the Vatican,” Hichborn added. “Because CommonSpirit is a subsidiary of the Catholic Health Care Federation, it is subject only to the Pope and the Pope’s governing bodies in Rome.”

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 990 forms confirm that CommonSpirit Health is part of the Catholic Church, benefitting from certain religious exemption tax breaks.

The latest news about the transgender craze and the way it is creeping its way into religion can be found at Transhumanism.news.

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